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Writing Groups

The idea behind the writing groups is two hours weekly of protected time amongst likeminded researchers / writers, i.e., those of us broadly interested in discourse in aphasia!


The group meets virtually every week for two hours (two optional times below, and if you're keen, come to both!). These are safe spaces, meant to leverage our various expertise and skills. The first 30 minutes of every meeting are updating each other on projects, networking / brainstorming on ideas, etc. Then, it's 75 minutes of writing, where everyone will mute their microphone and engage with whatever their writing project of the day is. Then, we'll debrief for 10-15 minutes about how that writing went. Note: all writing projects are welcome (e.g., dissertation, grants, papers, abstracts, etc). In this iteration of writing groups, we won't be explicitly working on a paper to publish as a group. But -- we can foresee the networking portion of this writing group to be useful in constructing future writing groups that work together on projects/papers!


Accountability is huge, so if you sign up, please plan to make at least 50% of the writing groups so we have a consistent group of people joining us.


Wednesdays, 11AM - 1PM Eastern will be lead by Brie Stark
Thursdays, 11AM - 1PM Eastern will be lead by Manaswita Dutta


The groups will begin the first week of February and run until the last week of May, 2023.


If you're interested in joining these writing groups for Spring 2023, please fill out this form by January 15, 2023. We will then email out the link to join!


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